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Maladaptive Daydreaming Publications

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In preparation
Academic Papers
Other publications

  Projects in preparation  

Soffer-Dudek, N., Aquarone, R. & Somer, E. (In preparation). Maladaptive Daydreaming in severe dissociation

  Peer-reviewed Publications

   Under review   


Breuer, P., Merckelbach, H. & Somer, E. (Under review). Maladaptive daydreaming is not associated with counterfactual thought: A validation study of the German and the Dutch versions of the 16-item Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale.

    In press   



Somer, E. & Soffer-Dudek, N. (2025). Stimming in a Reverie: A Case of Maladaptive Daydreaming Previously Diagnosed as Autism. Case Reports in Psychiatry, 9700504.


Soffer-Dudek N, Somer E, Spiegel D, et al. (2025). Maladaptive daydreaming should be included as a dissociative disorder in psychiatric manuals: position paper. The British Journal of Psychiatry. Published online 2025:1-5. doi:10.1192/bjp.2024.27

Somer, E., Herscu, O., Samara, M., & Abu-Rayya, H. M. (2025). Maladaptive Daydreaming and Psychopathology: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Psychology: Journal International de Psychologie, 60(2), e70027.


Theodor-Katz, N., & Soffer-Dudek, N. (2025). Where Is My Mind? The Daydreaming Characteristics Questionnaire, a New Tool to Differentiate Absorptive Daydreaming From Mind-Wandering. Journal of Attention Disorders, 0(0).


Lucas, A., & Bone, A. (2025). Introducing a psychological formulation model of maladaptive daydreaming. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 18, e11. doi:10.1017/S1754470X24000424


Mamah, D, Chen, S.S., Gomez-Lopez, A. & Alexander, A. (2025). A Pharmacotherapeutic and Neuroimaging Case Study of Maladaptive Daydreaming. Psychiatry Research Case Reports 4(3):100249.


Gemignani, M., G. Mancinelli, E., Manari T., Gagliardini G., Bassi G., Chirico I., Gizzi G., Landi G., Pistorio M.L., Pupi V., Volpato E., Moretta T., & Musetti A. (2025). Understanding Maladaptive Daydreaming From the Attachment Framework: The Intertwining Roles Of Parental Care, Unresolved Attachment, Depression/Anxiety And Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms. Journal of Psychiatric Research.


Somer, E., & Otgaar, H. (2025). Memory distortions in maladaptive daydreaming: A study on source confusion and fantasy-driven confabulations. The Qualitative Report, 30(1), 2968-2989.

Kandeğer, A., Guler, H.A., Özaltin, M.S., Barili, Ö., Söylemez, H., Yildiz, E, & Semerci, B. (2025). Could Maladaptive Daydreaming Delay ADHD Diagnosis Until Adulthood? Clinical Characteristics of Adults With ADHD Based on Diagnosis Age. Journal of Attention Disorders, 0/0.


Khan, H. & Salman, F. (2024). Media related maladaptive daydreaming, emotional regulation and psychological distress in university students. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 3(2), 809-821.


Reddy, M.B., Ranjitha, S., Alwar, S.V. & Rajan, E.J.E. (2024). Lost Inside My Head - An Exploratory Study on The Effect of Daydreaming on Emotion Regulation and Fantasy Proneness. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 12(4). DOI: 10.25215/1204.247

Akhtar, A., Shamim, H., Khokhar, M. M., & Rehman, G. (2024). Academic performance and suicidal ideation in young maladaptive daydreamers, a cross-sectional descriptive study. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 75(1), 52–55.

Margherita, G., & Caffieri, A. (2024). Dreaming, maladaptive daydreaming and emotional dysregulation: A latent profile analysis. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2(2), 176-177.

Moment, L. (2024). Exploring the Relationship Between Maladaptive Daydreaming and Adverse Childhood Experiences. Graduate Student Journal of Psychology, 23, 43-58.


Celban, J. & Nowacki, A. (2024). Emotion dysregulation, dissociation, and borderline personality disorder symptoms as correlates of maladaptive daydreaming in a general sample: the crucial role of experiential avoidance. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 8(4).      


Ishfaq, N. & Kamal, A. (2024). Intervening Effect of Maladaptive Personality on the Relationship Between Defense Styles and Psychiatric Symptoms Among Prisoners. Indian Journal Psychological Medicine, 46(6), 570–578. DOI: 10.1177/02537176241236898


Pyszkowska, A., Nowacki, A., & Celban, J. (2024). The Daydream Spectrum: The Role of Emotional Dysregulation, Internalized Stigma and Self-Esteem in Maladaptive Daydreaming Among Adults With ADHD, ASD, and Double Diagnosis. Journal of Attention Disorders (OnlineFirst).


Shanbhag, T., & Pothiyil, D.I. (2024). A Cognitive Approach to Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine.


Horváth, R., Buvár, Á., Urbán, R., Demetrovics, Z., & Zsila, Á. (2024). Role models in gaming: Wishful identification and maladaptive daydreaming mediate the association between desire for fame and game engagement. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 135., 152538


Perez, S. (2024). Chapter 12 Through the Looking-Glass: A Stage-Based Approach to the Intentional Transformative Experience of Reality Shifting. In S. Perez, B. Rijn & J. Schlieter (Ed.), Intentional Transformative Experiences: Theorizing Self-Cultivation in Religion and Esotericism (pp. 293-324). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.


Pham, Q. D., & Pecherkina, A. A. (2024). How ghosting and stress impact vulnerable narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming: The role of mindfulness and rumination. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice. Advance online publication.


Mancinelli, E., Spisto, S., Sukhija, V.J. & Salcuni, S. (2024). Maladaptive daydreaming as emotion regulation strategy: exploring the association with emotion regulation, psychological symptoms, and negative problem-solving orientation. Current Psychology. 

Mancinelli, E., Spisto, S., Sukhija, V.J. & Salcuni, S. (2024). Correction to: “Maladaptive daydreaming as emotion regulation strategy: exploring the association with emotion regulation, psychological symptoms, and negative problem-solving orientation”. Current Psychology. 43, 35164–35168.


Nowacki, A. & Pyszkowska, A. (2024). The everchanging maladaptive daydreaming – a thematic analysis of lived experiences of Reddit users. Current Psychology. 43, 35164–35168


Nowacki, A. & Pyszkowska, A. (2024). It is all about discomfort avoidance: maladaptive daydreaming, frustration intolerance, and coping strategies – a network analysis. Current Psychology.


Jain, S. (2022). Maladaptive and Negative Maladaptive Daydreaming Among Youth & Impact of Emotional Neglect on MD. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).


Balashevych, O.K., Harahulia, A.I, Molotokas, A.A., Bayer, O.O, & Kurapov, A.O. (2024). Адаптація та Психометрична Оцінка Опитувальника Дезадаптивної Мрійливості (MDS-16) на Українській Вибірці: Пілотне Дослідження (Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16) on an Ukranian Sample: A Pilot Study). Перспективи та інновації науки (Prospects and Innovations in Science) 6(40):609-629.


Öğü, Ç (2024). Association of maladaptive daydreaming with behavioral addiction, Health Sciences Quarterly 4(3), 233-241.


Pezzi, M., Zagaria, A., Miguel-Alvaro, A., Gámez-Guadix, M., Gori, A., Santoro, G., &  Musetti, A. (2024). Maladaptive Daydreaming and Problematic Online Behaviors: A Network Analysis Approach, Journal of Psychiatric Research.

Shimoni, H., & Axelrod, V. (2024). Elucidating the difference between mind-wandering and day-dreaming terms. Scientific reports, 14(1), 11598.


Chávez, J.E. (2024). La ensoñación excesiva como una respuesta al estrés en adolescentes (Maladaptive daydreaming as a stress response in adolescents). Educación y Salud - Boletín Científico Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Autónoma del Estad, 12 (24), 47-52.


Roy, A., Girija, V. S., & Kitzlerová, E. (2024). The Role of Momentary Dissociation in the Sensory Cortex: A Neurophysiological Review and its Implications for Maladaptive Daydreaming. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 30, e944209.


Saladino, V., Calaresi, D., Cuzzocrea, F., and Verrastro, V. (2024). The Interplay between Binge Watching and Suicide Risk: Daytime Sleepiness and Maladaptive Daydreaming as Mediators. Social Sciences 13, 283. socsci13060283


Zorlu, Ö., Beyazũz, E., Aytekin, S. & Albayrak, H. (2024). Maladaptive Daydreaming in Psoriasis Patients. Namık Kemal Medical Journal, 12(2), 85-92.


Constantine, L. & Haque, S. (2024). Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Maladaptive Daydreaming in University Students: The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress. Research Square.


Balashevich, O.K., Harahukiua, A.I, Molotokas, A.A., Bayer, O.O, Kurapov, A.O. (2024). Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16) on a Ukrainian Sample: A Pilot Study. Perspectives and Innovations of Science ("Pedagogy" Series, "Psychology" Series, "Medicine" Series), 6(40), 609-629.


Hedderly, T., Eccles, C., Malik, O., Abdulsatar, F., Mitchell, C., Owen, T., Soffer-Dudek, N., Grose, C., Fernandez, T.V., Robinson, S. and Somer, E. (2024), Intense Imagery Movements May Lead to Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Case Series and Literature Review. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 11, 716-719


Saladino V, Calaresi D, Cuzzocrea F, Verrastro V. (2024). The Interplay between Binge Watching and Suicide Risk: Daytime Sleepiness and Maladaptive Daydreaming as Mediators. Social Sciences, 13(6):283.


Somer, E. & Otgaar, H. (2024). Exploring the Nexus between Childhood Adversities, Trauma-related Fantasy and Memory in Maladaptive Daydreaming. Acta Psychologica, 247, 104301.


Aruguete, M.S., Grieve, F., Zsila, Á. et al. The absorption-addiction model of celebrity worship: in search of a broader theoretical foundation. BMC Psychol 12, 224 (2024).


Shiota, S., Oura, S.I., & Matsumoto M. (2024). Maladaptive fantasy predicts negatively distorted self and other mental representation: A consideration of child abuse from psycho/neuro/biological perspectives. Environment and Social Psychology, 9(7): 2079.


Begum, A. & Khan, M.J. (2024). Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Maladaptive Daydreaming Among Adolescents: Mediating Role of Emotional Processing. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 39 (1) 123-137.


Somer, E. (2024). When Imagination Feels Like Reality: A Case Study of False Memories and Maladaptive Daydreaming in Visual Impairment. Case Reports in Psychiatry, Article ID 9391645, 82024.


Lawson, E. & Thompson, E. (2024). Daydreaming as spontaneous immersive imagination: A phenomenological analysis. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 5


Balashevych, O.K., & Molotokas, A.A. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Other Forms of Imagination. Habitus. (In Ukrainian).


Shanbhag, T., & Pothiyil, D.I. (2024). A Cognitive Approach to Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 0(0). doi:10.1177/02537176241236898


Hedderly, T., Eccles, C., Malik, O., Abdulsatar, F., Mitchell, C., Owen, T., Soffer-Dudek, N., Grose, C., Fernandez, T.V., Robinson, S. & Somer, E. (2024), Intense Imagery Movements May Lead to Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Case Series and Literature Review. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice.


Soffer-Dudek, N. (2024). Seeing is believing: implications of the dreamlike cognitive style for waking spontaneous thought and psychopathology. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 5.



Somer, E. (2024). Calling the tune in maladaptive daydreaming: The impact of music on the experience of compulsive fantasizing. Psychology of Music, 52(6), 611-627.

Zsila, Á., Shabahang, R., Aruguete, M. S., Bőthe, B., Gregor-Tóth, P., & Orosz, G. (2023, July 20). Exploring the Association Between Twitch Use and Well-Being. Psychology of Popular Media. Advance online publication.


Sharma, M. & Jain, V. (2023). Fear of COVID-19 in Relation to Social Connectedness, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Depression and Anxiety: A Correlation Study. Indian Journal of Health and Well-being, 14(4), 491-494.


Catelan, R.F.,Zsila, Á., Pietkiewicz, I.J., & Nardi, A.E. (2023). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (BMDS-16). Psychiatria I  Psychologia Kliniczna, 23 (3), 129–140.


Soffer-Dudek, N., & Oh, H. (2024). Maladaptive daydreaming: A shortened assessment measure and its mental health correlates in a large unites states sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 129, 152441. Advance online publication.

Jahangiri, N., Hashemi, N., Jafari, L., Abdollahi siyahkaldeh, F. (2023). Prediction of Psychological Distress and Job Performance of Nurses Based on Maladaptive Daydreaming and Social Loneliness during the Covid 19 Epidemic. Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management, 11(4), 37-47 مدیریت پرستاری. URL:


Pyszkowska, A., Celban, J., Nowacki, A., & Dubiel, I. (2023). Maladaptive daydreaming, emotional dysregulation, affect and internalized stigma in persons with borderline personality disorder and depression disorder: A network analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.


Richard A. Chefetz, Nirit Soffer-Dudek & Eli Somer (2023) When daydreaming becomes maladaptive: phenomenological and psychoanalytic perspectives, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 37:4, 319-338, DOI: 10.1080/02668734.2023.2246058


Somer, E. (2023). Body Movements During Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Thematic Analysis of Asynchronous Email Interviews. Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition, 3(1),  267-299. 


Vyas, M., Shaikh, M., Rana, S. & Pendyala, A. (2023). Is this the real life? Or just a fantasy? A closer look at maladaptive daydreaming. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. (pdf).


Lakshyay Rawat, A. & Malik, H. (2023). Daydreaming: Vex or Delight? International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences 3(7), 105. (pdf).


Thomson P. & Victoria Jaque, S. (2023): Maladaptive Daydreaming, Overexcitability, and Emotion Regulation, Roeper Review, 45(3), 195-205.


Thomson, P. & Victoria Jaque, S. (2023). Creativity, Emotion Regulation, and Maladaptive Daydreaming. Creativity Research Journal, 1-10.


Nauman, J., (2023). Narrative Review of a Link Between Proposed Maladaptive Daydreaming (MD) and Reports of Motor Stereotypy in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-7.


Chauhan , N., Sharma, N., & Mahajan, S. (2023). Beguiling daydreams: a case of maladaptive daydreaming. Prime Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 25(3), 47372. 



Pietkiewicz, I.J., Hełka, A.M., Barłóg, M., & Tomalski, R. (2023). Maladaptive daydreaming and narcissism, Personality and Individual Differences, 212, 112279.

Mishra, B. & Kewalramani, S. (2023). Social Media Use Maladaptive Daydreaming and Imposter Phenomenon in Younger Adults. Journal of Advance Research in Science and Social Science, 6(1). (pdf).

Shafiq, S., Zafar H., & Khalid, N. (2023). Development and validation of dysfunctional daydreaming scale. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, 37(1): 21-26. jpmi.37.1.3087

Musetti, A., *Soffer-Dudek, N. (*co-first author), Imperato, C., Schimmenti, A., & Franceschini, C. (2023). Longitudinal associations between maladaptive daydreaming and psychological distress during the COVID-19 health crisis. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 12(1), 288-294.


Pietkiewicz, I. J., Hełka, A., Barłóg, M., & Tomalski, R. (2023). Validity and reliability of the Polish Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (PMDS-16) and its short form (PMDS-5). Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(4), 882–897.

Soffer-Dudek, N. (2023). Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and dissociative experiences: suggested underlying mechanisms and implications for science and practice. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1132800.


Ghinassi, S., Fioravanti, G., & Casale, S. (2023). Is shame responsible for maladaptive daydreaming among grandiose and vulnerable narcissists? A general population study. Personality and Individual Differences, 206, 112122.

Jahangiri, N., Hashemi, N., jafari, L., & Abdollahi Siyahkaldeh, F. (2023). Prediction of Psychological Distress and Job Performance of Nurses Based on Maladaptive Daydreaming and Social Loneliness during the Covid-19 Epidemic. Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management, 11(4), 37-47. (in Farsi). (English Abstract).

Herscu, O., Somer, E., Federman, A., & Soffer-Dudek, N. (2023). Mindfulness meditation and self-monitoring reduced maladaptive daydreaming symptoms: A randomized controlled trial of a brief self-guided web-based program. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 91(5), 285-300.

West, M. J., Somer, E., & Eigsti, I. M. (2023). Immersive and maladaptive daydreaming and divergent thinking in autism spectrum disorders. Imagination, cognition and personality, 42(4), 372-398.

Roneena, A.J. & Anandarani, V.S. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Maladaptive daydreaming: A Case Report. International Research Journal of Education and Technology, 4(10). (pdf).

Savruk, G. (2002). Psikolojide hayal kurmak üzerine bir  derleme (Daydreaming:  A review  of the pychological literature). Proceedings of the Akdeniz 8th International Conference on Social Sciences. November 19-20, Girne, Cyprus.  


Horváth-Labancz, E., Sándor, A., Balázs, K., Molnár, J., & Kuritárné Szabó, I. (2022). Pathological personality traits of maladaptive daydreamers measured by the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 in a psychiatric sample. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(3), 536-547.


Kamak Sürman,  Z. (2022). Uyum Bozucu Gündüz Düşleri : Psikiyatri Etiği Açısından Yaklaşım. (Ethical Approach to Maladaptive Daydreaming) Türkiye Biyoetik Dergisi, (Turkish Journal of Bioethics) 9(3), 120-122. DOI: 10.5505/tjob.2022.21033


Anandarami, V.S. & Roneena, A.J. (2023). Maladaptive daydreaming in individuals with disorganized attachment style: A case study. Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2).

Ahmadi, F., Goodarzi, M., Kazemi Rezai, S.A. & Yazdanimehr, R. (2022). Reliability, validity, and factor structure of the maladaptive daydreaming scale (MDS-16) in an Iranian sample. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14(4), 53-63DOI: 10.22075/JCP.2022.27056.2443. (pdf).

Rana, S. & Vyas, (2022). Maladaptive daydreaming: Overview. International Journal of Social Sciences, 10(3), 370-375.

Jain, S. (2022). Maladaptive and Negative Maladaptive Daydreaming Among Youth & Impact of Emotional Neglect on MD. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).

Seth, M. & Bhargava, K. (2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming as A Coping Mechanism to Escape Loneliness. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).


Chaudhary, S., Jain, K., Agarwal, M. & Bajaj, V.. (2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming Among the Indian Youth: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10(1).

Shafiq, S. & Zafar, H. (2022).  Social Anxiety as Predictor of Depression in Adolescents: Mediating Role of Dysfunctional Daydreaming. Journal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, 21(04), 301-305.  doi.10.22442/jlumhs.2022.00963


Soffer-Dudek, N. & Somer, E. (2022). Maladaptive daydreaming is a dissociative disorder: Supporting evidence and theory. In J.M. Dorahy (ed.) Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders: Past, present, future (2nd ed.). Taylor & Francis, pp 547-559.


Chirico, I., Volpato, E., Landi, G. et al. (2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming and Its Relationship with Psychopathological Symptoms, Emotion Regulation, and Problematic Social Networking Sites Use: a Network Analysis Approach. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 1-17.


West, M.J., Somer, E., & Eigsti, I.-M. (2022). Shared Challenges and Cooccurrence of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders7(1), 77-87.

Musetti, A., Gori, A., Michelini, G., Di Monte, C., Franceschini, C., & Mariani, R. (2022). Are defense styles mediators between traumatic experiences and maladaptive daydreaming? Current Psychology, 42(30), 26683-26691.

Thorburn, C. (2022). ‘Maladaptive Daydreaming’: An introduction to a new condition. European Psychiatry, 65(S1), S178-S179.


Wen, H., Soffer-Dudek, N., & Somer, E. (2022). Daily feelings and the affective valence of daydreams in maladaptive daydreaming: A longitudinal analysis. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.


Margherita, G., Caffieri, A., Mariani, R., Filosa, M., Manari, T., Lenzo, V., Quattropani, M. C., Vegni, E., Borghi, L., Castelnuovo, G., Saita, E., Freda, M. F., Varallo, G., Franceschini, C., & Musetti, A. (2022). Dreaming or daydreaming during COVID-19 lockdown: A comparison between maladaptive and nonmaladaptive daydreamers. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 10(4), 331–345.


Conte, G., Arigliani, E., Martinelli, M, Di Nola, S., Chiarotti, F. & Cardona, F. (2022). Daydreaming and psychopathology in adolescence: An exploratory study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(3), 263-271. eip.13323


Metin, S., Gocmen, B., Metin, B. (2022). Turkish validity and reliability study of maladaptive daydreaming. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 12(1), 1-6. 


Soffer-Dudek, N. & Theodor‐Katz, N. (2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming: epidemiological data on a newly identified syndrome. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 871041.

Mándli, K., McCutcheon, L. & Zsila, Á. (2022). Relationship Status and Celebrity Worship: Exploring Differences in Maladaptive Daydreaming, Engagement, and Body Appreciation across Single and Partnered Women. North American Journal of Psychology 24 (2), 235-256.


Theodor‐Katz, N., Somer, E., Hesseg, R. M., & Soffer‐Dudek, N. (2022). Could immersive daydreaming underlie a deficit in attention? The prevalence and characteristics of maladaptive daydreaming in individuals with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1–20.


Sharma, P. & Mahapatra, A. (2021).  Phenomenological Analysis of Maladaptive Daydreaming as A New Form of Behavioral Addiction: A Case Series. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 37(3), 280-282. 10.4103/ijsp.ijsp_227_21


Mariani, R., Musetti, A., Di Monte, C., Danskin, K., Franceschini, C., & Christian, C. (2021). Maladaptive Daydreaming in Relation to Linguistic Features and Attachment Style. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 386. MDPI AG.


Metin, B., Somer, E., Abu-Rayya, H.M., Schimmenti, A., & Göçmen, B. (2021). Perceived Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mediates the Association Between Self-quarantine Factors and Psychological Characteristics and Elevated Maladaptive Daydreaming. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(3), 1570-1582.

Yazhini, C.S. (2021).  Statistical analysis of impact on daydreaming. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 8(3), 543-563  


Somer, E., Cardeña, E., Catelan, R.F. Sofer-Dudek., N. (2021). Reality shifting: psychological features of an emergent online daydreaming culture. Current Psychology, 1-13.


Sándor, A., Bugán, A., Nagy, A., Nagy, N., Tóth-Merza, K., & Molnár, J. (2021). Childhood traumatization and dissociative experiences among maladaptive and normal daydreamers in a Hungarian sample. Current psychology, 1–17.

Brenner, R., Somer, E., & Abu-Rayya, H.M. (2021). Personality Traits and Maladaptive Daydreaming: Fantasy Functions and Themes in a Multi-Country Sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111194.

Salomon-Small, G., Somer, E., Harel-Schwarzmann, M. & Soffer-Dudek, N. (2021). Maladaptive Daydreaming and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: A confirmatory and exploratory investigation of shared mechanisms. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 136, 343-350. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.02.017

Costanzo, A., Santoro, G., Russo, S., Cassarà, M.S., Midolo, L.,R., Billieux, J., & Schimmenti, A. (2021). Attached to virtual dreams: The mediating role of maladaptive daydreaming in the relationship between attachment styles and problematic social media use. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 209(9), 656-664.

Musetti, A., Franceschini, C., Pingani, L., Freda, M.F., Saita, EW., Vegni, E., Zenesini, C., Quattropani, M.C., Lenzo, V., Margherita, G., Lemmo, D., Corsano, P., Borghi, L., Cattivelli, R., Plazzi, G., Castelnuovo, G., Somer, E., Schimmenti A. (2021). Maladaptive daydreaming in an adult Italian population during the COVID-19 lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 838.


Sándor, A., Bugán, A., Nagy, A., Bogdán, L.S., & Molnár, L. (2021). Attachment characteristics and emotion regulation difficulties among maladaptive and normal daydreamers. Current Psychology, 1-18.


Somer, E., Abu-Rayya, H. M., & Brenner, R. (2021). Childhood Trauma and Maladaptive Daydreaming: Fantasy Functions and Themes In A Multi-Country Sample. Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD), 22(3), 288–303.

Wijaya, R. B. A. (2021). Kondep Diri Pada Masa Dewasa Awal Yang Mengalami Mmaladaptive Ddaydreaming. (Self-Concept in Early Adulthood Experiencing Maladaptive Daydreaming) Al-Qalb: Jurnal Psikologi Islam, 12(2), 179-193. (In Indonesian). 


Sabzban, M; & Safaei, I. (2021). Associating Psychological Symptoms and Worshipping National Taekwondo Champions as Celebrities: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Desire for Fame. Sport Psychology Studies, 10(37), 179-206. (In Persian, English abstract). DOI: 10.22089/spsyj.2021.9537.2051


Bashir, M.M.I. (2021). Prevalence of maladaptive daydreaming among medical students at the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 2020–2021. Middle East Current Psychiatry, 28:41, 1-7.

Kammad, Z.A., Al-Sabbagh, A.B., & Hussain, M.A. (2021). Prevalence of Proneness to Maladaptive Daydreaming Syndrome In Basra Medical Students. Elementary Education Online, 20 (1), 2009-2013.  doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2021.01.219


Caner Yam, F. (2021). Examining the Concept of Maladaptive Daydreaming with the Film Analysis Method. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar, 13, 27-39. Doi: 10.18863/pgy.877490 (In Turkish).

Yazhini, C.S. (2021).  Statistical analysis of impact on daydreaming. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 8(3), 543-563


Perrotta G (2021) The state of consciousness: From perceptual alterations to dissociative forms. Analysis of neurobiological and clinical profiles. Journal of Neurology, Neurological Science and Disorders, 7(1): 006-018. DOI: 10.17352/jnnsd.000042


Sharma P. & Mahapatra A. (2021). Phenomenological analysis of maladaptive daydreaming associated with internet gaming addiction: a case report. General Psychiatry, 34(2). e100419. doi:10.1136/ gpsych-2020-100419

Wijaya, R. B. A. (2021). Self-Concept in Early Adulthood Experiencing Maladaptive Daydreaming. Al-Qalb: Jurnal Psikologi Islam, 12(2), 179-193. (In Indonesian, English abstract). 

Soffer-Dudek, N., Somer, E., Abu-Rayya, H. M., Metin, B., & Schimmenti, A. (2020). Different cultures, similar daydream addiction? An examination of the cross-cultural measurement equivalence of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(4), 1056-1067.


Somer, E., Abu-Rayya, H.M., Schimmenti, A., Metin, B., Brenner, R. Ferrante, E., Göçmen, B., and Marino, A. (2020). Heightened Levels of Maladaptive Daydreaming Are Associated With COVID-19 Lockdown, Pre-existing Psychiatric Diagnoses, and Intensified Psychological Dysfunctions: A Multi-country Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 587455.

Ferrante, E., Marino, A., Guglielmucci, F., & Schimmenti, A. (2020). The Mediating Role of Dissociation and Shame in the Relationship Between Emotional Trauma and Maladaptive Daydreaming. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 9(1), 27. 


Sándor, A., Münnich, Á., & Molnár, J. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale in a sample of Hungarian daydreaming-prone individuals. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(3), 853-862.

Gysi, J. (2020). Maladaptive Tagträumen, In Diagnostik von Traumafolgestörungen: Multiaxiales Trauma-Dissoziations-Modell nach ICD-11. Bern, Switzerland: Hogrefe, p.271 (in German).


Ross, C.A., Ridgway, J., & George, N. (2020). Maladaptive Daydreaming, Dissociation, and the Dissociative Disorders. Psychiatric Research & Clinical Practice, 2(2), 53-61.


Greene, T., West, M. & Somer, E. (2020). Maladaptive daydreaming and emotional regulation difficulties: A Network Analysis. Psychiatric Research, 285, 112799.


West, M. & Somer, E. (2020). Empathy, emotion regulation and creativity in immersive daydreaming. Imagination, Cognition and Personality,  39(4), 358-373. DOI: 10.1177/0276236619864277

Vázquez-Rivera, S., de la Vega-Rodríguez, I., García-Villamor, M., Díaz-Marsá, M., & Carrasco-Perera, J. L. (2020). Trastorno de Ensoñación Excesiva: Características Clínicas y Neuropsicológicas del PrimerCaso Descrito en España. Revista de Casos Clínicos en Salud Mental, 8(1), 2. Revista De Casos Clínicos En Salud Mental, 8(1). 

Alenizi, M.M., Alenazi, S.D., Almushir, S., et al. (October 03, 2020) Impact of Maladaptive Daydreaming on Grade Point Average (GPA) and the Association Between Maladaptive Daydreaming and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Cureus, 12(10). Cureus.


Adeniz, E. (2020). Daydreaming Overdose: Maladaptive Daydreaming. PsiNossa, 60, 29-31 (In Turkish)


Dujić, G., Antičević, V. & Mišetić, I. (2020). Contribution of Maladaptive Daydreaming to the Level of Psychological Distress and Coping Strategies. Socijalna psihijatrija (Social Psychiatry), 48 (1), 3-19. (In Serbian)


Vally, Z., Moussa, D., Khalil, E., Al Fahel,  A., Al Azry, N., & Jafar, N. (2020). Celebrity worship in the United Arab Emirates: An examination of its association with problematic Internet use, maladaptive daydreaming, and desire for fame. Psychology of Popular Media, 10(1), 124–134. 

Gervasi, S., Santoro, G. & Schimmenti, A. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming: teoria, ricerca e implicazioni cliniche del disturbo da sogni a occhi aperti. Psichiatria & Psicoterapia, 38(4), 237-249. (Maladaptive daydreaming: theory, research, and clinical implications of daydreaming, In Italian).

Marcusson-Clavertz, D., West, M., Kjell, Somer, E. (2019) A daily diary study on maladaptive daydreaming, mind wandering, and sleep disturbances: Examining within-person and between-persons relations. PLoS ONE, 14(11): e0225529. pone.0225529


Schimmenti, A., Somer, E. & Regis, M. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming: Towards a nosological definition. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 177(9), 865-874.


Ross, C.A., West, M., & Somer, E. (2019). Self-Reported Medication And Recreational Drug Effectiveness In Maladaptive Daydreaming. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 208(1), 77-80.

Wang, Q., Dong, X., & Li, X. (2019). rTMS as an add-on treatment for maladaptive daydreaming over 10 years in patients with schizophrenia: A case report. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 43, 208–209.


Rebello, P., Johnson, K., D'Souza, P., Rao, P.R., & Malamarthi, S. (2019). A case report on maladaptive daydreaming. Galore International Journal of Health Science and Research, 4(1), 33-36.

Abu-Rayya, H. M., Somer, E., & Meari-Amir, S. (2019). The Psychometric Properties of the Arabic 16-Item Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16-AR) in a Multicountry Arab Sample. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 6(2), 171-183.

Abu-Rayya, H. M., Somer, E., & Knane, H. (2019). Maladaptive Daydreaming Is Associated With Intensified Psychosocial Problems Experienced by Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Violence against women, 26(8), 825–837.


Somer, E., Abu-Rayya, H.M. & Nsairy Samaan, Z. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming among recovering substance use disorder patients: its prevalence and mediation of the relationship between childhood trauma and dissociation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addictions, 17(2), 206-216


Zsila, Á., Urbán, R., McCutheon, L.E. & Demetrovics, Z. (2019). A path analytic review of the association between psychiatric symptoms and celebrity worship: The mediating role of maladaptive daydreaming and desire for fame. Personality and  Individual Differences, 151, 109511

Schimmenti, A. Sideli, L. La Marca, L., Gori, A. & Terrone, G.  (2019): Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS–16) in an Italian Sample. Journal of Personality Assessment 102(5), 689-701.


Somer, E., Somer, L. & Halpern, N. (2019). Representations of maladaptive daydreaming and the self: A qualitative analysis of drawings, The Arts in Psychotherapy.  63, 102-110

Miller, A. (2019). Therapeutic neutrality, ritual abuse, and maladaptive daydreaming. A commentary. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 3(1), 4–11.


Ross, C.A. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming and therapeutic neutrality: A rejoinder. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 3(1):12–13.. 

Somer, E. (2019). On dissociative identity disorder and maladaptive daydreaming. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 3(1):14–18 

Ross, C.A. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming and dissociation: Both a continuum and a taxon. A rejoinder. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 3(1):19–20 

Pietkiewicz, I.J., Nęcki, S., Bańbura, A, & Tomalski, R. (2018). Maladaptive daydreaming as a new form of behavioral addiction. Journal of Behavioural Addictions, 7(3), 838-843.

Zsila, Á., McCutcheon, L.E., & Demetrovics, Z. (2018). The association of celebrity worship with problematic Internet use, maladaptive daydreaming, and desire for fame. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(3), 654–664.


Jopp, D. S., Dupuis, M., Somer, E., Hagani, N., & Herscu, O. (2018). Validation of the Hebrew Version of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-H): Evidence for a Generalizable Measure of Pathological Daydreaming. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 6(3), 242-261. 

Sándor, A., Molnár, J. (2018). Maladaptív álmodozás. In: Kuritárné, Sz. I., Molnár, J., Nagy, A. (Eds). Trauma-eredetű disszociáció. Budapest: Oriold és Társai, 285-302.


Bershtling, O., & Somer, E. (2018). The micro-politics of a new mental condition: Legitimization in maladaptive daydreamers’ discourse. The Qualitative Report, 23(8), 1983-2002. 

Ross, C.A. (2018).The Potential Relevance of Maladaptive Daydreaming in Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder in Persons With Ritual Abuse and Complex Inner Worlds. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 1(2), 160-173.


Soffer-Dudek, N. & Somer, E. (2018) Trapped in a Daydream: Daily Elevations in Maladaptive Daydreaming Are Associated With Daily Psychopathological Symptoms. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9(194).

Somer, E. (2018). Maladaptive daydreaming: Ontological analysis, treatment rationale: a Pilot case study. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 2(1), 1–22.

Wei, L. (2018). 非适应性白日梦: 概念、测评及共病情况 (Maladaptive daydreaming: concept, assessment and comorbidity). Journal of Nervous Diseases and Mental Health, 18 (1), 61-65 (In Chinese).


Anwar, M., Aqeel, M., & Shuja, K.M. (2018). Linking Social Support, Social Anxiety and Maladaptive Daydreaming: Evidence from University Students of Pakistan. Foundation University Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 141-181.

Naguy, A., Alamiri, B., & AlDhaen, M. N. (2018). Methylphenidate for Ego-Syntonic Daydreaming. American Journal of Therapeutics, 25(6), e725–e726.

Somer, E. & Herscu, O. (2017). Childhood trauma, social anxiety, absorption and fantasy dependence: Two potential mediated pathways to maladaptive daydreaming. Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation, 6(3), 2-5.


Somer, E., Soffer-Dudek, N., & Ross, C. A. (2017). The comorbidity of daydreaming disorder (Maladaptive Daydreaming). Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 205(7), 525-530.


Somer, E., Soffer-Dudek, N., Ross, C. A., & Halpern, N. (2017). Maladaptive daydreaming: Proposed diagnostic criteria and their assessment with a structured clinical interview. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 4(2), 176-189.


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Somer, E., Lehrfeld J., Jopp, D.S., & Bigelsen, J. (2016). Development and Validation of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS). Consciousness and Cognition, 39, 77-91.


Bigelsen, J., Lehrfeld, J.M., Jopp, D.S. & Somer, E. (2016). Maladaptive daydreaming: Evidence for an under-researched mental health disorder. Consciousness and Cognition, 42, 254-266.


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Academic Papers

Preprints, Seminars, Theses, and Dissertations

Thomson, C. (2025). Exploring the Aventine: An autoethnography on making sense of immersive daydreaming in the context of developmental trauma. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the University of the West of England, Bristol, for the degree of Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology

Ejaz, N. (2024). Relationship between connectedness with nature, cognitive flexibility, spirituality, and maladaptive daydreaming among university students. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the International Islamic University of Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Fathyarini Kalifa, A. (2024). Adaptasi Alat Ukur Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale Versi Indonesia. (Validation of a measurement tool: The Indonesian version of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale). A bachelor’s thesis presented to The Faculty of Psychology Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.


Fischera, W. (2024). Understanding the interpersonal experiences of people with maladaptive daydreaming. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Canterbury Christ Church University for the Doctor of Clinical Psychology degree, Canterbury, Kent, England.


Tosun, A. (2024). The Relationship Between Maladaptive Daydreaming and Episodic Memory. A Master’s thesis in Cognitive Neuropsychology submitted to the Graduate School of Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Candéla, C. (2024). From reality to dream: An exploratory study of maladaptive daydreaming. Master's thesis submitted to U.F.R. Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université de Lorraine, France.


Karaloğlu F.S. (2024). Relationships between Maladaptive Daydreaming, Addiction Tendency, and Executive Functions. Master's thesis presented to Başkent University, Institute of Social Sciences, Clinical Psychology (In Turkish, English abstract).

Colpo, C. (2024). The Effects of Stressful Life Experiences and Maladaptive Daydreaming on Selective Attention Among Young Adults. Thesis presented to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology.


Dupleix, B.C. (2024).  Effet modérateur de la pleine conscience sur le lien entre la fantaisie-trait et la rêverie compulsive (Moderating Effect of Mindfulness on the Relationship between Trait Fantasy and Compulsive Daydreaming). Research project presented to the Université de Nîmes. [In French.]

Gronová, A. (2024). Maladaptive daydreaming and vividness of visual imagery. A bachelor’s thesis presented to the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.

Woolfork. T (2024). Stuck in My Mind: Absorption and Memory. Poster presented at the Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky, USA.


Colvin, M. (2024). Maladaptive Daydreaming and its Effect on High Schoolers' Executive Functioning. senior thesis presented to the Hudson Falls High School, Hudson Falls, NY, USA.

Clotworthy, G. (2024). Maladaptive Daydreaming; Exploring Individual Differences using the Behavioural Inhibition/Activation Systems. Master’s thesis presented to the Department of Psychology, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, England.

Flickinger, F. (2024) Assessing the relationship between unmet belongingness needs and maladaptive daydreaming. Master's thesis, Harvard University Division of Continuing Education.

Nandi, S. & Singha Roy, A. (2023). Maladaptive Daydreaming Syndrome – Postmemory and the Re-expressing of the Past.  Final paper, Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University, India.

Moment, L.D. (2023). Navigating the Daydreamscape: An In-Depth Exploration of Maladaptive Daydreaming, Coping Strategies, and Mental Well-Being, PREPRINT (Version 1). Available at Research Square [].

Moment, L.D. (2023). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Maladaptive Daydreaming, (Version 1). Available at Research Square []

Moment, L.D. (2023). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Maladaptive Daydreaming, Research Square (preprint).

Nowacka, A. (2023). Nieadaptacyjne marzenia na jawie a sposoby radzenia sobie ze stresem i nietolerancja

frustracji (in Polish). Maladaptive daydreaming, Coping Styles and Frustration Intolerance. A Mater's thesis presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Silesia, Poland. (English abstract)


Ortazon, M.M.G & Villenas, N.G.J. (2023). Shackled by Dreams: A Case Study of Maladaptive Daydreaming is a qualitative study of six individuals with maladaptive daydreaming. A Bachelor's thesis presented to the Psychologt program at the Southern Luzon State University, Philippines.


Richardson, V.A. (2023). Exploring the lived experience of maladaptive daydreaming. Dissertation presented to the Faculty of the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, USA. (pdf).


Cosereanu, L.D. (2023). Maladaptive Daydreaming: Fantasy of the Mind or Condition of the Brain? Research submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BA (Hons) Working with Children, Young People, and Families. Leeds Trinity University, UK.


Koch, K., Mamudi, A. & Riedweg, E. (2023). Mögliche Zusammenhänge von emotionaler Dysregulation und maladaptiven Tagträumen bei Kindern im Autismus-Spektrum. Proseminar presented to the UniDistance Suisse University, Swtzerland.

Haynes, R. (2022). The differential emotional processing theory of maladaptive daydreaming. Dissertation submitted to Charles Sturt University in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The School of Psychology, Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW, Australia

Basirnia, M. (2022). The Role of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Emotional Cutoff in Social Network Addiction of Young Generation. A thesis submitted to The Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran (in Farsi). 


Rogna, J. (2021). LA RÊVERIE COMPULSIVE ET LE DÉFICIT DE L’ATTENTION TISSER UN LIEN ENTRE CES DEUX PHÉNOMÈNES CLINIQUES. Mémoire de Master, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques - Institut de psychologie, Université de Lausanne, Suisse.(pdf), Switzerland.


Marino, A. (2022). Postmodern reveries: Expeditions to the Maladaptive Daydreaming World. A thesis submitted to the Department of Anthropology, Princeton University, USA.


Sipos, A. (2022). The relationship between adverse childhood experiences, mentalization, and maladaptive daydreaming. A thesis presented to Szeged University, Hungary.


Mandelburger, S. (2022). Immersive Daydreaming: Does inattention mediate the connection between attachment style and Maladaptive Daydreaming?. A thesis presented to Karlstad University, Sweden.


Breuer, P. (2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming and Counterfactual Thinking: Exploring the psychometrics of the German and Dutch Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16). A thesis presented to Maastricht University, The Netherlands.


Lapenna, P.C. (2022). Impossible Daydreams: an exploration. A thesis presented to the department of creative writing, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.


Barrie, S. (2022). (Maladaptive) Daydreaming through life. in May, R.G. (ed.), A bend in the Sky: An anthology of Creative non-fiction, pp 13-17. Queen's University, Canada.

Danieli, A. (2022). Forever a Dreamer: A qualitative assessment of the attention experience among individuals with maladaptive daydreaming (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies. University of Haifa, Israel) (In Hebrew, English abstract).


Shubh. R. (2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming: the unofficially recognized disorder. Paper submitted to the Amity Institue of Behavioral & Allied Sciences BSc. program, Mumbai, India.

Herscu, O. (2021). Treatment for Maladaptive Daydreaming: A pioneering study on the development and evaluation of an online intervention based on mindfulness meditation and self-monitoring. Doctoral dissertation presented to the School of Social Work, University of Haifa, Israel (in Hebrew, English abstract).

Harel-Schwarzmann, M. (2021). The association between maladaptive daydreaming and obsessive-compulsive disorder: An examination of mediating mechanisms. (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract). 

Lucas, A. (2021). Understanding the lived experience of maladaptive daydreaming. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institutes of Applied Psychology.

Bisella E. (2021). Maladaptive Daydreaming e stili difensivi: uno studio correlazionale (Maladaptive Daydreaming and Defensive Styles: A Correlational Study). Master’s thesis presented to the Department Psychology, University of Parma, Italy (in Italian). 

Lapenna, P.C. (2020). Impossible Daydreams: an exploration. Master's thesis in Creative Writing, presented to the University of Exeter, United Kingdom.


Brenner, R. (2020). Personality Traits and Maladaptive Daydreaming: Fantasy Functions and Themes in a Multi-Country Sample. (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract). 

Churchland, M. (2020). The tower, a Master’s thesis in creative writing about the experience of maladaptive daydreaming. University of British Columbia, Canada. Retrieved from of British Columbia. Retrieved from


Pattison, K.D. (2020). Daydreamed: A creative representation of maladaptive daydreaming (An Undergraduate Research Scholars thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA). Retrieved from Retrieved from 

Huth, J. & Scramm, M. (2020). Mehr Realität ? Eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit maladaptiven Tagträumenden (More reality? A qualitative interview study with maladaptive daydreamers). A Master's thesis presented to Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany (in German). 

Theodor-Katz, N. (2019). A daydream or an attention deficit? The relationship between Maladaptive Daydreaming and Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder among individuals with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract). 

Balestra, R. (2019). Rêveries compulsives : Validation de la version francophone du Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-F) (Maladaptive daydreaming: validation of the French version of the Maladaptive Datdreaming Scale (MDS-F). Master's thesis submitted to the Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse (in French).] English abstract.

Castiglia, D. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming : traumatismes et prédisposition à la rêverie comme facteurs de risque (Maladaptive daydreaming: trauma and predisposition to daydreaming as risk factors). Thesis submitted to Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse (in French). English abstract.

Knane, H. (2018). Maladaptive daydreaming exacerbates psycho-social problems experienced by female victims of intrafamilial childhood sexual abuse. (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract).

Meari-Amer, S. (2018). Do family support and religiosity moderate the interconnections between maladaptive daydreaming and childhood trauma, emotional distress and social problems? (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract).

De La Vega, P. (2018). Maladaptive daydreaming : une histoire pour survive (Maladaptive daydreaming: A story to survive). Thesis submitted to Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Université de Lausanne, Suisse (in French)English abstract.

Thomson. C.A. (2018). Understanding Self-Identified Use of Maladaptive Daydreaming in Relation to Developmental Trauma: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Blogs. A thesis submitted to the University of Chester, UK for the Degree of Master of Science (Psychological Trauma) in partial fulfillment of the Modular Programme in Psychological Trauma.


Gorana, D. (2018). The contribution of daily maladaptive daydreaming to the level of psychological distress and coping with stress of health studies students. Master’s thesis submitted to the Department of Health Studies, University of Split, Croatia (in Croatian).


Yilmaz, H. (2018). The relationship between maladaptive daydreaming, attention deficit-hyperactivity, psychological well-being and academic performance, An undergraduate thesis submitted to the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, T.C. Maltepe University, Turkey


Cook, Mary, "Thin Places" (2018). English Honors Theses. 10.

Sándor, A. (2017). Examination of maladaptive daydreaming in the general population (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of General Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary) (in Hungarian - English abstract). A presentation of data from this thesis won the 2nd national prize for outstanding research, 2017 Conference of the Scientific Student Association, Hungary. Supervisor: Dr. Judit Molnár.


Nsairy-Simaan, Z. (2017). The relationship between childhood trauma, dissociation and maladaptive daydreaming among recovering substance use disorder patients. (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract).

Uslu, H. (2015). Understanding the relationship between media use and maladaptive daydreaming. A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.

Herscu, O. (2015). When Life Becomes a Dream: The Relationship between Maladaptive Daydreaming, Childhood Trauma, Absorption, Social Anxiety, and Addiction to Daydreaming in a non-clinical student sample. (Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel) (in Hebrew - English Abstract).

Other Scientific Publications

Webinars, lectures, and talks

Theodor-Katz, N., Somer, E., Maaravi-Hesseg, R. & Soffer-Dudek, N. (2024, October 23-27). Maladaptive Daydreaming: A self-hypnotic state of immersive fantasy, different from mind wandering and ADHD. [Poster session]. Mind Unleashed, The 75th annual workshop & scientific program of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Anaheim. CA, United States


Somer, E. (2024, October 10-12). Maladaptive daydreaming: Unmasking absorptive daydreaming disorder  [Conference presentation]. The 9th International Congress of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation, Katowice, Poland. 


Mansuklal, S. A., Pascoal, P. M., Somer, E., Costa, I. B., &  Andersson, G. (2024, September 25-27). Scoping Review on Maladaptive Daydreaming: Preliminary insights [Conference presentation]. XIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia / 6º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Lisbon, Portugal.

Mansuklal, S. A., Andersson, G., Rosa, P. J., & Pascoal, P. M. (2024, September 25-27). Validation of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-PT) with European Portuguese university students: Preliminary findings [Conference presentation]. XIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia / 6º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Lisbon, Portugal.

Meindl, S. (April 13, 2024). Parallel Lives: Disorders of Daydreaming and Fantasy. Workshop presented at the C. G. Jung Society of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Meindl, S. (Feb, 23, 2024). Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On: The role of fantasy in Jungian life. Lecture presented to the C. G. Jung Society of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Breuer, P., Somer, E., & Merckelbach, H. (2023, June 22-23). Maladaptive daydreaming is not associated with counterfactual thought: A validation study of the German and the Dutch versions of the 16-item Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale. Poster presented at the 2023 Dutch Neuroscience Meeting, Tiel, The Netherlands.


Mansuklal, S.A., Pascoal, P.M., & Anderson, G. (2023, June 1-2). Sonhar Acordado Mal-adaptativo em estudantes universitários? RCT piloto da intervenção iCBT “DaydreamCatcher” (Maladaptive Daydreaming in College Students: A Pilot RCT of the iCBT “DaydreamCatcher” intervention.) In H. Pereira, G. Esgaslhado & P. Silva, Segundas Conferências Internacionais em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior – A Importância da Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde no Mundo Atual: Desafois e Contributos, P.27, Covilhā, Portugal.


Mansuklal, S. A., Pascoal, P. M., & Andersson, G. (2023, March 31 - April 1). A Portuguese cross-sectional and validation study of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16-PT) with university students. [Conference session]. IV Internation Congress of The Center for Research in Neuropsychology and Cognitive and Behavioral Intervention (CINEICC), University of Coimbra, Portugal.


Soffer-Dudek, N. (July 20, 2022). Maladaptive Daydreaming vs. ADHD: Important Similarities and Distinctive Differences. Webinar presented for ADDitude.


Bar'am, A. (2022). Waking up from a daydream: thoughts on daydreaming as a mental refuge. Webinar presented as part of the series "Opening a window to psychoanalysis, The Israel Psychoanalytic Society (May 11, in Hebrew).


Hennis, A., Dover, S., & Hansen (2022). The Role of Stress and Trauma in Immersive Daydreaming and Parasocial Relationships. Poster presented in Source: Showcase of undergraduate research and creative endeavors, Winthrop University, South Carolina, USA.


Demirbas, H. (2021). Studying Maladaptive Daydreaming’s Impact on Impulsivity. Paper presented at the 2021 online Annual Indiana University Southeast Student Conference, (April 22-23). Retrieved from

Herscu, O. (October 4-5, 2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of an online self-help therapeutic

intervention in maladaptive daydreaming. Conference of the Israeli Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR-IL) in collaboration with the Freud Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Mefarshim Institute, Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College.

Metin, B., Somer, E., Abu-Rayya, H.M, Schimmenti,A., & Göçmen, B. (July 2021). Perceived Stress during the COVID-19 pandemic Mediates the Association Between Self-quarantine factors and Psychological characteristics and elevated Maladaptive Daydreaming [Virtual poster presentation]. 17/18th Annual World Congress of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics.

West, M., Somer, E., & Eigsti, IM. (May 2021). Maladaptive Daydreaming in Autism Spectrum Disorders Is Associated with Loneliness, Repetitive Behaviors, and Emotion Regulation Difficulties. [Poster presentation]. Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention, APS 2021.


West, M., Somer, E., & Eigsti, IM. (May 2021). The Association Between Autism Traits and Maladaptive Daydreaming [Poster presentation]. International Society for Autism Research Annual conference, INSAR 2021, virtual conference.


West, M., Somer, E., & Eigsti, I. M. (May 2021). Maladaptive Daydreaming in Autism Spectrum Disorders Is Associated with Loneliness, Repetitive Behaviors, and Emotion Regulation Difficulties. The 2021 Association for Psychological Science virtual convention.

Demirbas, H. (April 22-23, 2021). Studying Maladaptive Daydreaming’s Impact on Impulsivity. Paper presented at the 2021online Annual Indiana University Southeast Student Conference.

West, M., Somer, E., & Eigsti, I. M. (June 2020) The association between autism traits and maladaptive daydreaming. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research 2020 Virtual Meeting

Ross, C, Somer, E., Schimmenti, A., Sandor, A., Pietkiewicz, I. & Somer, L. (October 2019).  Maladaptive Daydreaming: an Overview of a Proposed Disorder. Symposium presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation, Rome, Italy.

Bershtling, O. & Somer, E. (2019, June). The micro-politics behind the discovery of a new “mental disorder”: Legitimisation in the discourse of individuals suffering from maladaptive daydreaming. Paper presented at The Annual Conference of The Israeli Society for the History and Philosophy of Science. Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.


Breshtling, O. & Somer, E. (2019, May). The micro-politics behind the discovery of a new 'mental disorder': Legitimisation in the discourse of individuals suffering from maladaptive daydreaming. Paper presented at the 47th conference of the Israeli Anthropological Society: "Anthropology and Technology", Beer Sheva, Israel. 

Jopp, D.S. (2018, June). Maladaptive Daydreaming - Rêverie hors contrôle. Presentation Musée de la Main, Série de conference “La conscience sous contrôle”,  Lausanne, Switzerland (in French). 


Breshtling, O. & Somer, E. (2018, September). The micro-politics of a new mental condition: Legitimization in the discourse of individuals with 'maladaptive daydreaming. Paper presented at Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conference, Berlin, Germany.


Somer, E. (July, 2018). Maladaptive daydreaming (Daydreaming disorder): The ontological question of a newly discovered clinical construct. Invited colloquium presented at Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.


Somer, E (2018, June). Maladaptive Daydreaming: a disorder of dissociative absorption and its relation to childhood emotional neglect. Paper presented at a round table international workshop titled  “An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Trauma Research: Between Brain and Behavior”,  Shefayim, Israel.


Herscu, O. (2018, June). Treatment of maladaptive daydreaming: The development and assessment of an online self-help computerized intervention. Paper presented at the departmental colloquium, School of Social Work, University of Haifa, Israel (Hebrew abstract).


Somer, E. (2018, March). Pathological daydreaming: New evidence for a dissociative absorption disorder. Pre-conference workshop presented at the yearly conference of the German Speaking Society for Psychotrumatology. Dresden, Germany.


Somer, E. (2017, November) Maladaptive daydreaming: New evidence for a dissociative absorption disorder. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation. Bern, Switzerland.


Somer, E. (2017, March). Maladaptive daydreaming – Evidence for a pathological form of absorption. Paper presented at the 34th annual conference of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. Washington, DC, USA.


Wen, H., Haliczer, L.A. & Dixon-Gordon, L.K. (2017, September). Maladaptive dreamers:
The association between personality disorder symptoms and maladaptive daydreaming. Poster presented at the XV Congress of the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, Heidelberg, Germany.

Non-peer reviewed publications   


Dupleix, B.C. (2024).  Effet modérateur de la pleine conscience sur le lien entre la fantaisie-trait et la rêverie compulsive (Moderating effect of mindfulness on the relationship between trait fantasy and 

compulsive daydreaming). Research project presented to the Université de Nîmes. Literature review. Research paper.


Moment, L.D. (2024). Navigating the Daydreamscape: An In-Depth Exploration of Maladaptive Daydreaming, Coping Strategies, and Mental Well-Being. Preprint published on Research Square.


Fawcett, S. (2022). Teens in fantasyland: When Imaginations Get Carried Away. Down Syndrome Resource Foundation. (pdf).


Bashir, M.I.M. (2021). Prevalence of Maladaptive Daydreaming among medical students at University of Khartoum in 2020-2021

Conan, V. (2020). Losing the Atmosphere. Greenpoint Press.

Escudero, M. (2020). Ensoñación inadaptada: un diagnóstico controvertido (maladaptive daydreaming: A controversial diagnosis). Retrieved on Oct. 12, 2020 from (in Spanish)


Witkin, M. (2019). Maladaptive daydreaming: Is it a "real thing"? The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behaviour Letter, 35(2)


Surdacki, M. (2018, Niepublikowany manuskrypt). Nadmierne fantazjowanie dzieci w kontradaptacyjnym fantazjowaniu: przyczyny i symptomy. Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu (in Polish).


Surdacki, M. (2018, Unpublished translation). Children’s excessive daydreaming in Maladaptive daydreaming: causes and symptoms. Wroclaw Medical University, Poland.


Sándor, A. (2017). Examination of maladaptive daydreaming in the general population. English abstract of a thesis submitted to the Department of Health Psychology, University of Debrecen, Hungary (in Hungarian). A presentation of data from this thesis won the 2nd national prize for outstanding research, 2017 Conference of the Scientific Student Association, Hungary. Supervisor: Dr. Judit Molnár. 


Sándor, A. (2017). A maladaptív nappali álmodozás vizsgálata átlagpopulációban. Disszertáció összefoglaló, Debreceni Egyetem (in Hungarian).


Somer, E. (2013). From adaptive fantasy to dissociative psychopathology: On forms of daydreaming. A commentary on Young, W.C. (1988). Observations on Fantasy in the Formation of Multiple Personality Disorder Dissociation. Dissociation, 1(3) 13-20. ISSTDNews, Members Clinical Corner, June, 2013.


Regis, M. (2013). Daydreams and the Function of Fantasy.  Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: ISBN-10: 1137300760


The International Consortium for Maladaptive Daydreaming Research (ICMDR)

The ICMDR is a platform for scientific cooperation and a depository of information on immersive and dysfunctional forms of daydreaming. Established in 2017, comprises researchers at various stages of their careers, from different parts of the world.

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