Dutch filmmaker, Thomas Renckens (1987), talked to 2doc.nl about “The daydreamers”, his documentary on MD to be aired shortly on the Netherlands public television. Thomas studied Communication Science and an MSc in Political Communication in Amsterdam. After that he worked internationally in documentary programme development. In the UK, he studied at the prestigious National Film & Television School and graduated in 2020 with the film The Daydreamers. For your convenience, here is an English translation of the interview.
Maladaptive daydreaming continues to capture the interest and imagination of journalists and professionals alike. Here are a few examples:

PsychCrunch , the podcast service from the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest recently featured MD in Episode 22. In this episode, Ella Rhodes, journalist for The Psychologist, explores the boundaries between wakefulness and dreaming. Why do some people experience visions and imaginings that take them away for hours at a time? Listen to an interview with ICMDR's Dr Nirit Soffer-Dudek, clinical psychologist at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. Click here to hear Nirit talk to the British Psychological Society.
Maladaptive daydreaming was recently featured in the health and wellness sections of both howstuffworks.com (How maladaptive daydreaming can take over you life) and Bustle (Why maladaptive daydreaming is all over your “for you” page). Additionally, a story from the Italian Swiss canton of Ticino was published by the weekly Ticino7. Journalist Mariella Dal Farra wrote an article titled: “Sognare di sognarsi: tra mente, realtá e fantasie” (Dreaming of dreaming: between mind, reality and fantasies).
And finally, A story titled: “Yalnız bireyler kendi hayali dünyalarına saklanıyor” (Lonely individuals hide in their imaginary world) is reported by Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital. The hospital’s Specialists' Scientific Meetings hosted Eli Somer in its monthly meeting on interdisciplinary developments. The topic of this month’s meeting was maladaptive daydreaming.