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Maladaptive Daydreaming (MD) News

MD continues to draw interest and is continuously featured in various media outlets. Today, an online lifestyle magazine published a story on MD. The article was also published simultaneously on several Yahoo News pages. See for example, here.

Global grassroots interest in MD is also reflected in the growing number of online MD communities. For instance, in addition to the many English language Facebook communities, we are now aware of Facebook communities in Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Turkish, and, Hungarian. That is in addition to several other platforms for people interested in this condition. By far, the largest Internet community dedicated to maladaptive daydreaming is hosted by Reddit. It currently has close to 50,000 members. However, the greatest achievement of this young field is that it boasts 47 scientific peer-reviewed articles, and a growing number of empirical theses and dissertations submitted to universities across the world. Any hopes for a wider clinical and academic recognition of the disorder is strictly dependent on the accumulation of solid scientific evidence on its validity, distinctiveness and treatability. We, the scientists at the ICMDR, are grateful for the wonderful partnership we have formed with the MD community. Your support of our research effort has been invaluable, Thank you!

On behalf of the ICMDR team, let us wish us all a safe and happy holiday season and a productive 2021.

The International Consortium for Maladaptive Daydreaming Research (ICMDR)

The ICMDR is a platform for scientific cooperation and a depository of information on immersive and dysfunctional forms of daydreaming. Established in 2017, comprises researchers at various stages of their careers, from different parts of the world.

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