Calling all daydreamers
If you are over 18 years old and believe you have maladaptive daydreaming[*]
we are eager to learn about your experience!
We invite you to take part in research examining the relationship between content of maladaptive daydreaming, personality traits and, trauma.
We will ask you first to self-complete a short set of 6 questions (see link below) that will determine whether you meet the initial inclusion criteria for this study. If you do, we will redirect you to complete an online questionnaire that would take about 15 minutes to complete. Otherwise, we thank you for your interest and hope you will be able to take part in future studies on maladaptive daydreaming.
For further information, you may write to us at, or,
With best wishes,
Reut Brenner, Eli Somer, PhD and Hisham Abu-Rayya, PhD
The International Consortium of Maladaptive Daydreaming Research (ICMDR)
To participate in this study CLICK HERE (or copy and paste this address to your browser:
[*] For the purposes of the study we invite individuals who have experienced extensive daydreaming in the last 6 months defined as following: fantastical mental images and visual stories/narratives that are not currently part of your life. With fantastical we mean that the content of the experience is remarkable, bizarre, or unrealistic in some way. Therefore, we are not referring to such acts such as reminiscing over past events, planning for future activities such as mentally preparing for a meeting with your boss, or thinking about your mental “to do” list. We also do not include in this study. Examples of daydreams that can be included would be hanging out with a favorite celebrity, winning a gold medal in the Olympics (unless you are an Olympic level athlete), telling off your boss after winning the lottery, having a romantic affair with an attractive co-worker who isn’t interested in you, living in a parallel fantasy world, imagining violent, scary or tragic events that had never happened to you, engaging in heroic or rescue actions, etc. Any daydreams involving fictional characters or plots should also be included. We invite you to take part in this study if you experience this kind of daydreaming and it causes you distress or impairment of an important area of functioning.